History repeating
A shocking read about a World War Two tragedy
Anne Sebba
Trump is sitting on his bulldozer tearing down the frumpy façade of the old building, but as yet he is showing us only glimpses of what he intends to replace it with
Spectator Editorial
Cleansing the swamp
Trump has not managed to cleanse Washington in one day, but his administration is working both very fast and very thoroughly
Roger Kimball
Musk Derangement Syndrome
I’ve lost old friends over his ‘salute’
Bridget Phetasy
Right young things
It’s their America now
Kara Kennedy
Make Gaza Great Again?
The President is letting off fireworks in a building full of nitroglycerine
Paul Wood
Trump to the max
He’ll lose some battles in the courts, perhaps a great many. But what counts is how many he wins
Daniel McCarthy
Get ready to Make America Healthy Again…
Teresa Mull
The former Democratic congresswoman suffered an acute case of what’s known in Washington as ‘confirmation conversion’
Jacob Heilbrunn
Mad About the Boy sharply marries the contemporary with the age-old
Deborah Ross
Many creators now treat their users not as collaborators in a shared passion but as adversaries, accusing them of bigotry and hate
Doug Blair
It is difficult to think of any area of modern life which is not anticipated in Faust
A.N. Wilson
Source Code is really a book about perseverance in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds
Christopher Sandford
Everyone has at least one friend that none of their other friends can stand, someone you love but everyone else loathes
Cosmo Landesman
For us deplorables, it was a celebratory occasion
Island-hopping by day, glamping by night — this is the ultimate way to explore Scotland’s mythology-steeped, wildlife-rich Hebrides
Estella Shardlow
I like to serve this with crème fraîche and some prunes soaked in Earl Grey tea or armagnac
Olivia Potts
It was clearly inspired by satirical American and British shows about politics
The goals aren’t the same in each place — and some movements are far more serious than others
Dave Seminara
In almost every role that matters, Trump has opted for a nominee who has been an extreme critic of the very body he or she is set to oversee
The American people are tired of having the wool pulled over their eyes by Democrats
Scott Jennings
How I became a Japowder junkie
Amy Rose Everett
Book Review
Gabriel’s Moon is the welcome return of one of Britain’s most reliably gripping novelists
Philip Womack