‘Trump is still Trump,’ says Piers Morgan

‘He hadn’t changed one iota’

piers morgan
Piers Morgan (Getty)

It’s less than sixty days to go until Election Day and the race could not be closer. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are due to debate tomorrow night in what could be one of the most consequential clashes of modern times. So, with all eyes on the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, who better to ask about Trump’s mindset than the Brit who knows him best?

Step forward Piers Morgan, who appears on today’s Americano podcast with Andrew Neil and Freddy Gray. After the shocking assassination attempt in July, Gray asked, has the Donald now softened…

It’s less than sixty days to go until Election Day and the race could not be closer. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are due to debate tomorrow night in what could be one of the most consequential clashes of modern times. So, with all eyes on the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, who better to ask about Trump’s mindset than the Brit who knows him best?

Step forward Piers Morgan, who appears on today’s Americano podcast with Andrew Neil and Freddy Gray. After the shocking assassination attempt in July, Gray asked, has the Donald now softened and changed? Not a bit of it says Morgan, who says that after he praised Trump’s courage on Fox News a week after he was shot, the former president then called him up:

I got back to my hotel, he rang me and we had a fifteen-minute chat. He was exactly the same Donald Trump he’s always been. He hadn’t changed one iota. He spent five minutes talking about how much his ears have bled and how he discovered that ears bleed more than any other body part. And his ears, of course, bled more than most people’s ears. He then spent another five minutes talking about what it’s like to be shot. Gripping. Fascinating. how he said he was saved by his immigration chart, that he had a chart in the teleprompter about immigration, which made him turn his head almost imperceptibly by an inch.

And at that moment that he did that, the bullet whistled past and missed him by the inch, that he would have been in direct hit from. So he should have been dead. It was a miraculous escape. But the idea that Trump has somehow been neutered, or tamed or becalmed, or had some great out of body experience has changed his outlook on life. I just didn’t get any of that from that conversation with him.


You can watch or listen to the full episode on Americano here:

This article was originally published on The Spectator’s UK website.

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